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dc.contributor.authorFiebig, Markus-
dc.contributor.authorMyhre Lund, Cathrine-
dc.contributor.authorBoulanger, Damien-
dc.contributor.authorRivier, Leonard-
dc.contributor.authorVermeulen, Alex-
dc.contributor.authorHäggström, Ingemar-
dc.contributor.authorAnders, Tjulin-
dc.contributor.authorFerrighi, Lara-
dc.contributor.authorTukiainen, Simo-
dc.identifier.citationFiebig, Markus, Lund Myhre, Cathrine, Boulanger, Damien, Rivier, Leonard, Vermeulen, Alex, Häggström, Ingemar, Tjulin, Anders, Ferrighi, Lara, & Tukiainen, Simo. (2020). ENVRI-FAIR D8.3 Atmospheric subdomain implementation plan (Version 1). Zenodo.
dc.description.abstractThe RIs of the ENVRI atmospheric subdomain have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the FAIRness of their data management. The identified gaps considered most important from a user perspective concern the following FAIRness functions: • Findable: globally unique identifier; indexed in searchable resource. • Accessible: (meta)data retrievable by standardised protocol • Interoperable: common vocabulary • Re-usable: established license, documented provenance, (meta)data meets community standards. The tasks for implementing these functions were grouped by the following criteria: 1. Importance of the function for the user 2. Maturity of the function in the RI 3. Accordingly, the tasks were grouped into 3 categories: 4. Immediate implementation: the function implemented is highly important for the user, the implementation plan is consolidated. 5. Immediate implementation planning: the function implemented is highly important for the user, the implementation plan needs to be refined, know-how at the RIs needs to be established. Task for second half of project: the function implemented is considered important, but implementation can be postponed to allow focussed work on the highly important FAIRness functions.en_US
dc.subjectdata managementen_US
dc.titleD8.3 Atmospheric subdomain implementation planen_US
dc.readinessData Readinessen_US
Appears in the Folders:WP08 – Atmosphere subdomain

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