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dc.contributor.authorThijsse, Peter-
dc.contributor.authorSchaap, Dick;-
dc.contributor.authorMagagna, Barbara-
dc.contributor.authorStocker, Markus-
dc.contributor.authorPouliquen, Sylvie-
dc.contributor.authorExter, Katrina-
dc.contributor.authorRodero, Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorVermeulen, Alex-
dc.contributor.authorCarval, Thierry-
dc.contributor.authorPfeil, Benjamin-
dc.contributor.authorBuck, Justin-
dc.identifier.citationThijsse, Peter, Schaap, Dick, Magagna, Barbara, Stocker, Markus, Pouliquen, Sylvie, Exter, Katrina, Rodero, Ivan, Vermeulen, Alex, Carval, Thierry, Pfeil, Benjamin, & Buck, Justin. (2019). ENVRI-FAIR D9.1 Marine subdomain FAIRness roadmap (Version 1). Zenodo.
dc.description.abstractThis report, deliverable D9.1 - Marine subdomain FAIRness roadmap, is the result of Task 9.2 “Analysis and priorities to enhance RI data FAIRness” activities which were led by MARIS with involvement of all RIs within the Marine subdomain, and tuning with WP5-WP7. Task 9.2 has analysed the FAIRness of each of the Marine RIs and made a list of priorities for enhancing their FAIRness by means of a roadmap. This deliverable D9.1 is to be considered as an analysis and assessment providing a major basis for formulating the next deliverable D9.2 - Marine subdomain implementation plan. This will be prepared in the coming months interacting closely with WP5 (Community standards and catalogue of services) and WP7 (Common implementation and support).en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.rights.uriAn error occurred getting the license - uri.*
dc.subjectRI data FAIRnessen_US
dc.subjectMarine subdomainen_US
dc.titleD9.1 Marine subdomain FAIRness roadmapen_US
dc.readinessData Readinessen_US
Appears in the Folders:WP09 – Marine subdomain

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