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dc.contributor.authorGüntsch, Anton-
dc.contributor.authorPlank, Andreas-
dc.description.abstractWithin the framework of SYNTHESYS+ Task 4.2, European natural history collections cooperate in the standardisation and extension of the system of stable specimen identifiers for physical collection objects introduced by the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF, The focus is on best practices for the syntax of such identifiers, rules for their assignment as well as the harmonisation of machine-readable specimen data in the form of RDF. The “Guide for best practices documentation” (deliverable 4.2, bundles previously scattered information on CETAF identifiers on a single wiki page of the Biowikifarm in a comprehensible way and thus addresses both the curators of the participating natural history collections and the technical staff responsible for the implementation. It is complemented by i) a GitLab repository with the software required for RDF publication ( ii) an overview page of recommended data standards ( , and iii) a discussion (wiki) page where best practices for specific questions can be developed by the community (,_problem_solutions_and_furth er_discussions_(Guide_of_best_practices)).en_US
dc.titleD4.2: A Guide of Best Practices Documentationen_US
dc.readinessData Readinessen_US
Appears in the Folders:SYNTHESYS + Work Package 4 - Business Framework

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