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Title: ICEDIG Deliverable D2.1 - Inventory of current criteria for prioritization of digitization
Authors: Hannco, Bakker
Willemse, Luc
van Egmond, Emily
Casino, Ana
Gödderz, Karsten
Vermeersch, Xavier
Keywords: Data models;management;publishing pipelines & services;datasets;ICEDIG;D2.1;prioritisation;digitisation;criteria
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: ICEDIG
Citation: Bakker, Hannco P.A.J., Willemse, Luc, van Egmond, Emily, Casino, Ana, Gödderz, Karsten, & Vermeersch, Xavier. (2018). ICEDIG Deliverable D2.1 - Inventory of criteria for prioritization of digitisation of collections focussed on scientific and societal needs. Zenodo.
Abstract: Anno 2017 the task of mobilizing data from biocollections ahead of us is still enormous (data of 90% of the biocollections still needs to be mobilized). It is imperative for stakeholders, individual keepers of natural science collections, the community at large, and even for funding agencies, not only to tackle this backlog as quickly as possible, but do it in the best possible order. To establish the best possible order for digitizing biocollections a demand driven framework is required based among others on criteria used to digitize biocollections.
Appears in the Folders:ICEDIG Work Package 2 - Human Resources, Training & Users Support

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