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Title: D2.2 Prioritising scientific and societal needs for data of private natural history collections
Authors: van Egmond, E.M.
Willemse, L.
Runnel, V.
Saarenmaa, H.
Koivunen, A.
Lahti, K.
Livermore, L.
Keywords: Natural history;Private collections;Digitisation;ICEDIG;DiSSCo;Datasets;Prioritisation
Publication Date: 4-Mar-2019
Citation: van Egmond, E.M., Willemse, L., Runnel, V., Saarenmaa, H., Koivunen, A., Lahti, K., & Livermore, L. (2019). Prioritising scientific and societal needs for data of private natural history collections. Zenodo.
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