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Title: D5.1 Working with citizens to enrich data: recommendations and source repository
Authors: Le Bras, Gwenaël
Chagnoux, Simon
Dillen, Mathias
Keywords: Data models, management, publishing pipelines & services;citizen science;ICEDIG;DiSSCo;data enrichment;transcriptions
Publication Date: 2019
Citation: Le Bras, Gwenaël, Chagnoux, Simon, & Dillen, Mathias. (2019). Working with citizens to enrich data: recommendations and source repository. Deliverable 5.1. Zenodo.
Abstract: The initial ICEDIG proposal has attributed a single number D5.1 for the delivery of all the outcomes of task 5.2. The work done has produced four results of very different natures:report document, specification document, source-code repository and structured data sets. The present document is just a brief introduction of Task 5.2 and the produced documents,repository and data sets.
Appears in the Folders:ICEDIG Work Package 5 - Common Resources and Standards

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