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Title: D6.1 ICEDIG - Data Management Plan
Authors: Saarenmaa, Hannu
Agosti, Donat
Chagnoux, Simon
van Egmond, Emily
Groom, Quentin
Hardisty, Alex
Keywords: Data models, management, publishing pipelines & services
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: ICEDIG
Citation: Saarenmaa Hannu, Agosti Donat, Chagnoux Simon, van Egmond Emily, Groom Quenting, & Hardisty Alex. (2018). ICEDIG - Data Management Plan. Zenodo.
Abstract: ICEDIG is a design study for the proposed new research infrastructure Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo), focusing on the issues around digitisation of the collections and making their data freely and openly available following the FAIR principles (data being Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable). As a design study, ICEDIG does not implement anything in an operational fashion, and therefore the amount of research data which ICEDIG will deal with is limited. DiSSCo, on the other hand, is expected to deal with huge amounts of data. The data management plan (DMP) for DiSSCo will be produced as one of the design documents of ICEDIG. In other words, ICEDIG will produce two data management plans: one for ICEDIG and another for DiSSCo. In order to achieve its objectives, ICEDIG will carry out a number of tasks, including specific pilots which may produce limited amounts of research data. ICEDIG will also deploy large volumes of already existing research data in order to explore how it can best be pooled in the available European Open Science Cloud infrastructures. This data management plan follows the Horizon 2020 DMP template, which has been designed to be applicable to any Horizon 2020 project that produces, collects or processes research data. The template is a set of questions that have been answered with a level of detail appropriate to the project. It has been understood that the DMP is a living document which may be updates as the implementation of the project progresses and when significant changes occur.
Appears in the Folders:ICEDIG Work Package 6 - Technical Architecture & Services Provision

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