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Title: Identification of provisional Centres of Excellence for digitisation of European natural science collections
Authors: Dixey, Katherine
Woodburn, Matt
Hardy, Helen
Livermore, Laurence
Stuart Smith, Vincent
Keywords: shared facilities;best practice;digitisation;infrastructure,;natural science collections;services
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: ICEDIG
Citation: : Dixey K, Woodburn M, Hardy H, Livermore L, Smith VS (2020) Identification of provisional Centres of Excellence for digitisation of European natural science collections. Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e57750.
Abstract: Digitisation of natural science collections is fundamental to the vision for the Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo), and given the low proportion of collections digitally accessible, it is proposed that ‘Centres of Excellence’ be developed to accelerate the creation of digital copies of original specimens. Within the ICEDIG project, a team of scientists from across the consortium explored the concept of Centres of Excellence and have constructed a toolset to help identify these centres to support the development of DiSSCo. This report documents this process and describes the toolset
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