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Title: DiSSCo Prepare Milestone report MS1.3 - Corpus of previous studies on prioritisation of digitisation compiled
Authors: Isager Ahl, Louise
Enghoff, Henrik
Keywords: Data
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: DiSSCo Prepare
Citation: Isager Ahl, L. & Enghoff, H. (2022). DiSSCo Prepare Milestone report MS1.3 - Corpus of previous studies on prioritisation of digitisation compiled. DiSSCo Prepare.
Abstract: This report describes progress made by Work Package 1, Task 3 of DiSSCo Prepare Project: Task 1.3 Establish relevant criteria to identify a prioritisation model for digitisation. According to the DPP Description of Work, Task 1.3 will, based on the analysis of previous studies, identify relevant criteria and develop them into a basic model for the prioritisation of digitisation of objects held in Natural Sciences Collections (NSCs). Over the past reporting period the focus of Task 1.3 has been to (1) identify new relevant publications, and (2) carry out an investigation of what is currently being done by DiSSCo members in regards to prioritisation of their digitisation efforts. The result of the work done in Task 1.3 has been the the identification of 12 new publications, and the compilation of replies from 23 DiSSCo partners regarding their prioritisations.
Appears in the Folders:DPP Work Package 1 - User needs & socioeconomic impact

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