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Title: DiSSCo Prepare Deliverable D9.6 - Compilation of Construction Masterplan
Authors: Loo, Tina
Benvenuti, Marco
Cecchi, Lorenzo
Innocenti, Gianna
Biaggini, Marta
Bellucci, Luca
Moggi Cecchi, Vanni
Di Vincenzo, Fabio
Publication Date: 2023
Publisher: DiSSCo Prepare
Citation: Loo, T., Benvenuti, M., Cecchi, L., Innocenti, G., Biaggini, M., Bellucci, L., Moggi Cecchi, V., Di Vincenzo, F. & Rossi de Gasperis, S. (2023). DiSSCo Prepare Deliverable D9.6 - Compilation of Construction Masterplan. DiSSCo Prepare.
Abstract: The present document was developed under DiSSCo Prepare Project (DPP) Work Package 9 (WP9) “Project Management'', ensuring the synchronisation of project activities and final development of the DiSSCo Construction Master Plan (CMP). The CMP represents the compilation of all the outcomes of DPP and the collective effort and inputs of DiSSCo-related projects (SYNTHESYS+ and MOBILISE). The Construction Master Plan (CMP) is a corpus of knowledge prepared as a design blueprint for the transition, construction and operation of the DiSSCo research infrastructure, structured to give immediate concrete and practical indications. It identifies over 40 targeted areas for construction supported by approximately 175 recommendations resulting from over 30 DPP deliverable outcomes. The CMP covers an extremely wide range of subjects commensurate with the scale and breadth of constructing a networked pan-European research infrastructure (RI) that adheres to the new principles and technologies inherent in OpenScience and FAIR data. For example, DPP deliverable outcomes report on legal entity formation ; technology and e-services development (system architecture; data, information and knowledge systems); ensuring connectivity and capacity of consortium members; costing, cost recovery and contribution models; advocacy and engagement of members, partners, government ministries and other stakeholders; governance; policies and procedures; human resources and training, and how the RI can find its place in the international landscape of biodiversity research infrastructures. The CMP was written first hand by project task leaders who provided concise summaries of task activities and outcomes, critically including prioritised lists of (actionable) recommendations and timelines to be implemented during the forthcoming 4-year period (2023-2026). The task summaries are the foundational basis for the CMP, while the T9.4 Team developed the Plan's framework and ensured quality, consistency and coherence essential for a sound blueprint to guide DiSSCo through its next transitional and construction phases. The Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo) is a pan-European research infrastructure committed to the digital unification of all European natural science assets under common access, curation, policies and practices, ensuring the principles of Open Science and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data.
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