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Title: DiSSCo Prepare Milestone report MS1.4 - Corpus of previous studies on socioeconomic impact compiled
Authors: Figueira, Rui
Keywords: Socio-Economic Impact;Research Infrastructures;Indicator Compilation;Key Performance Indicators
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: DiSSCo Prepare
Citation: Figueira, R., Fontainha, E., De Smedt, S., Casino, A., Mergen, P. & Haston, E. (2022). DiSSCo Prepare Milestone report MS1.4 - Corpus of previous studies on socioeconomic impact compiled. DiSSCo Prepare.
Abstract: This Milestone 1.4 report for DiSSCo Prepare Work Package 1 Task 1.4 provides the review of recent frameworks and studies of socio-economic impact of research infrastructures. It also adds a compilation of socio-economic impact indicators recommended or used for the assessment of research infrastructures. The report includes the review of the analysis of impact assessments of research infrastructures and institutions analogous to the goals and domain of activity of DiSSCo. It also includes a definition of the scope of DiSSCo, the areas of impact, user communities and services, which help to identify the relevance of indicators to be selected. It finally provided a list of the actions to be developed in Task 1.4 towards the identification of a significant list of recommended socio-economic impact indicators to be used by DiSSCo.
Appears in the Folders:DPP Work Package 1 - User needs & socioeconomic impact

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