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Title: DiSSCo Prepare Deliverable D9.1 - Kick-Off Meeting
Authors: Alonso, Eva
Koureas, Dimitris
Publication Date: 2021
Publisher: DiSSCo-Prepare
Citation: Alonso, E. & Koureas, D. (2021). DiSSCo Prepare Deliverable D9.1 - Kick-Off Meeting. DiSSCo Prepare.
Abstract: The Kick-Off meeting for DiSSCo PREPARE was held at the Suomenlinna Fortress, Helsinki (Finland) hosted by the Natural Science Museum of Helsinki (Luomus) and as part of the threedays of DiSSCo Rising events. The meeting brought together a total of 75 delegates representing 29 of the 30 participating institutions. The aim was to communicate and consolidate project aims, consider strategic alignment with the wider European and global landscape, and facilitate networking and discussion between project participants.
Appears in the Folders:DPP Work Package 9 - Project Management

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