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Title: DiSSCo Prepare Deliverable D7.1 - A detailed plan for governance structure and function, and participation framework
Authors: Alonso, Eva
Koureas, Dimitris
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: DiSSCo Prepare
Citation: Alonso, E. & Koureas, D. (2022). DiSSCo Prepare Deliverable D7.1 - A detailed plan for governance structure and function, and participation framework. DiSSCo Prepare.
Abstract: The aim of this document is to present the main results of the work done within DiSSCo Prepare to define governance models scenarios for the future legal entity of the DiSSCo RI and the results from the consultation processes carried out with DiSSCo National Nodes and the Funders Forum advisory body.
Appears in the Folders:DPP Work Package 7 - Governance, Policy & Legal frameworks

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