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Title: ICEDIG Deliverable D3.4 - State of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of liquid samples
Authors: van Walsum, Myriam
Wijers, Agnes
Kamminga, Pepijn
van der Mije, Steven
van Dorp, Karen
Keywords: Digitisation;natural history collections;liquid samples;imaging;ICEDIG;DiSSCo
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: ICEDIG
Citation: van Walsum, Myriam, Wijers, Agnes, Kamminga, Pepijn, van der Mije, Steven, & van Dorp, Karen (2019). ICEDIG Deliverable D3.4 - State of the art and perspectives on mass imaging of liquid samples. Zenodo.
Abstract: The topic of this report is applications of conventional photography and automated imaging of specimens stored in liquids with a special focus on the labels. No automated imaging solutions were found for these types of specimens, which is due to the complexity of this storage type. Specimen imaging by removing it from the container is time-consuming and not applicable for mass-imaging. The main goal of jar and other container imaging is to capture the ‘old' label for subsequent data entry and recording of the container. Imaging labels for data entry and databasing purposes might be achievable in some liquid collections. Distortions, discolouration and cloudiness of the liquid and container can be complicating factors. We recommend a process based approach of record creation with minimal data, combined with label imaging. This can be done rapidly with minimally trained workers. Especially when data entry is partial or includes interpretation, the images provide potential for future use.
Appears in the Folders:ICEDIG Work Package 3 - Capacity enhancement

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